(editors note: This story has been edited to hide the identity of the person who left the review…for obvious reasons. At Rapid Result Lab we take discretion very seriously.)

Hey there, I'm Natalie, a sexually active 22-year-old woman, and pretty normal across the board. I'm going to share a personal story with you. Until quite recently, I had never undertaken an STD test. Before you express shock, let me explain that I had numerous reasons (or more accurately, justifications) for avoiding it. "I don't have the time," or "I always practice safe sex," or even "My partner would have mentioned if they had an STD," were the reassurances I would give myself. I also believed that STD testing necessitated a primary care doctor or an OBGYN, neither of which I had.

As I discovered, I was wrong on all fronts.

I recently realized that I was making excuses because I was embarrassed. I was endangering myself and others so I began looking into std testing in Tulsa, Oklahoma. One of my friends told me about RapidResultLab, a new mobile STD testing service in Tulsa (that she had used several weeks earlier), which could conduct STD tests without the need for a doctor's order. Who would have guessed? So, I picked up my phone and scheduled my test.

Once the appointment was set, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the process was rather discreet and non-invasive. No awkward conversations or unnecessary human interaction. I was simply to meet a nurse at a pre-arranged location (I was in downtown Tulsa) of my choosing, where I would collect my own specimen for the std test.

The nurse met me with a collection kit and explained that they would perform a PCR molecular test for gonorrhea and chlamydia using my sample. She informed me that the test, conducted using Binx.IO, was approved by the FDA and had an accuracy rate of 98%. The entire process was quite empowering and surprisingly free of embarrassment or discomfort.

I collected the required sample in the bathroom, and within a matter of minutes, the entire process was completed – impressively swift and efficient.

The best part was yet to come – I was told that I would receive my results on the same day. As someone with little patience, this was music to my ears. Once ready, my results were communicated to me with a phone call later that afternoon. Thankfully, they came back negative. However, if I had tested positive, they would have been able to call in medication for me and I would have been able to pick it up as early as that same day!

Getting an STD test is relatively straightforward and embarrassment-free. As sexually active people, it's crucial that we take control of our health and dispel any myths we might have about STD testing. Don't let lack of knowledge or apprehension stop you from getting tested; after all, our health is our most valuable possession.